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5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day 2022

On April 22nd we’ll be celebrating Earth Day 2022, a day where each year we nod our heads to the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Each of us plays a part in making the planet a better place, and even the smallest of actions can carry long-lasting effects.

That’s why for Earth Day 2022 we’ve put together a list of 10 simple things you can do to participate in and celebrate Earth Day on 4/22. You don’t need anything fancy to participate- just yourself and the spirit of Mother Nature on your side!

  1. Ditch the car
    Just for this day see if you can get everywhere you need to be without your car. Walk, cycle, or take public transport instead to see whether you really need to guzzle so much petrol on a daily basis! Not only is finding alternative transport options good for the planet, it’s good for you too!

  2. Go on a trash hunt
    Treasure hunts are so last year! Head out on a trash hunt in your neighborhood instead and see who can find the most trash (treasure!) to make a fun game of it. You may even be able to find a hidden treasure to upcycle, like a wooden crate or thrown out furniture (pssst. That’s another great way to celebrate Earth Day- do some upcycling!) 

  3. Plant something
    Trees not only cool things down (collectively, they can help decrease a city’s temperature by up to 10 degrees) but they also clean the air and give off more oxygen, among a ton of other benefits. Head outside and plant yourself a tree to nurture and reap the rewards of for many years to come. 

  4. Buy reusable products
    It may be a few cents more, but invest in reusable shopping bags and water bottles. Single-use plastic has a drastic effect on the environment, something you can learn more about here.

  5. Have a meat-free day
    The farming of animals for food has a significant effect on the environment, such as deforestation and the release of harmful greenhouse gasses. Go meat-free for the day to try out whether you could lead a more plant-based diet to reduce your carbon footprint.  

So there you have it! 5 simple ways to celebrate Earth Day 2022. We hope that you can try at least one of these ideas, and who know, maybe you can make a lasting change. 

If you’re looking for more easy ideas then be sure to check out the below articles:: 

We’d love to hear about how you’ll be celebrating earth Day 2022, so let us know in the comments below or send an email to - we can’t wait to hear from you!